GMail invitations
A new mission I started is making some buzz on BlogShares. I really don't understand why.
I started a mission where i'm giving away GMail invitations. Anyone who wants to receive my invitation has to answer the mission. The entry cost of the mission is 30 chips. That's my profit.
This mission resulted in different reactions from the other players. Some of them think it's not right to charge for Gmail invitations. 2 of them even Private messaged me saying that. I cannot understand all that buzz. Why can't i sell a GMail account invitation for virtual money (chips) in a game where the purpose is speculate, buy, sell earn vitual money? Everybody is doing that with links, why not with Gmail invitations or anything else?
I think the problem is that nobody had the idea before - at least in BlogShares, because everybody is doing that for the last months on e-bay (and for real money).
On the other hand, some other players who are really playing started new missions with the same purpose. sell Gmail invitations. This time, for 20 chips.
I think this game is all about that. Creating virtual markets, spoeculation. Now, if more people will copy this mission, the price will drop, and that will be great because there's still lots of people who want a GMail invitation.
G-mail is a free Service that is given away IF YOU HAVE AN INVITATION... but... if you don't have an invitation, you have to get one, and you can ask someone for one, and that person has to go to his/her account and send one for you. You can see that as paying for the trouble to send the invitations to the other person.
I find it hard to believe that people actually pay anything for a gmail invite when there are so many places online to get them for free.
Oh for heavens sakes lighten up people - it was virtual money! anyone would think they were asking for the real thing!
I still dont get all this fuss about g-mail and why do you need an invitation. How do you get an invitation?
Whats all the hype? So many questions so few answers. But its a good ploy cos I want one out of curiosity
Nice blog btw
I have seen all different sorts of missions in BS and the GM one is a good one, I guess the fuss is only cuz that others didn't think of it first so they could make some use out of their useless GM invitations!
Charging for gMail may be like charging for unfiltered tap water, but people do it.
And people pay for it.
Never underetimate the power (stupidity) of the marketplace.
It's always been against the rules to sell GM invites for REAL money. However, people have been trading for them since the beginning. Heck, there are websites set up just for that purpose. I think trading them for virtual money or chips was a great idea. Wish I had thought of it! Actually, I traded proof coin worth about $15 for my GM invite but that was back when it was like pulling teeth to get one. Now everyone has 100 invites just sitting around.
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